At the beginning of the quarter I had a really hard time with making photos run smoothly into one another such as on the second midterm. For some reason I was not able to get the angel in the corner to blend into the trees like I was able to do on the first midterm. This was probably due to the color palate but it still frustrated me to no end. I figured out the blur tool and the smudge tool to help in my endeavour to make the photos blend together seamlessly.
I feel that I was able to create more meaning with my Midterm #1 than I was able to with Quiz #4. I was able to create a feeling of loneliness with the boy's posture (his head down), the overall color (the blues and purples) and the small angel that is above the crossed arms. I feel like I was able to create a more meaningful work with the midterm than I was with the quiz. In the quiz, I attempted to create a sense of excitement and I wanted to focus more on the action that was in the movie more than the romance. I attempted this by changing the font of the title and making it stick out more. I made the ship almost black to create a sense of eeriness along with the red background that blends into the couple who are in black and white. I tried to make everything in more red tones to recreate the Expendables movie poster that was about action. I feel as though I was able to achieve more meaning in my midterm than I was in my quiz because I was able to grasp what was being asked and run with it.
Midterm #1
Quiz #4