Monday, November 8, 2010

Quiz Four

I chose the two movie posters from Titanic with Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio and The Explendables with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone.  In the Titanic movie poster we are presented with light soft colors and a very simple scheme.  The target audience for this movie would be those people who are hopeless romantics and want a good love story.  There is the boat on the front that is the main part of the movie and then we also have the two main characters who are very close together.  The couple is on the top part of the poster with the boat beneath them.  The boat played a significant role in the couples meeting and also their ending of the relationship.  The boat signified their union together and when the boat went down, so did their love along with it.  The soft colors used on the poster are symbolic of a soft romance that is quite simple.  The Expendables movie poster is done with black, white, and red colors.  The target audience for this movie would be action seekers.  The harsh contrast between the black and white shows the difference with the background and the names of the actors in the movie.  The white draws your eye to see who the actors are and what the title of the movie is.  The black is the background with the man’s back facing towards the audience.  The man has the movie title tattooed on his back along with a crow that is perched on top of it.  When I think of tattoos I think of people who are more dangerous and live life on the edge.  So when I see this movie poster I think that there is going to be some awesome action scenes with a badass guy in the movie.  There is a clear difference between the two movie posters in that the one is done with very soft and light colors and the other is done with harsh blacks and whites.  Another difference between the two is that the one has a picture of a couple close together and the other has the picture of a tattooed man by himself.  This makes me think that one is going to be romantic and the other is going to have a lot of action.

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